
Solution “Kindled Inspiration Deft Exuberance” in Infinity Nikki

Ignite Inspiration: Clever Abundance” is one of the many random side quests in Infinity Nikkirequiring you to inspire an NPC by showing them a specific item of clothing. Although NPCs will give you hints about what they’re looking for, unless you have an encyclopedic knowledge of all the clothing in Infinity Nikkithen you may find it difficult to find a solution.

Below we will explain the solution to the Ignite Inspiration: Clever Abundance quest in Infinity Nikkias well as where to buy the necessary item and what reward the quest gives.

Where to find the quest “Ignited Inspiration: Clever Abundance”

You can find Pacey complaining about something not working in the Meadow Activity Center at this exact address:

Solution to the quest “Ignited Inspiration: Clever Abundance”

To complete her quest you just need to talk to her while wearing Swift Leap trousers. The rest of your outfit doesn’t matter.

Where to get Swift Leap shorts

You can find the Swift Leap Pants design in a chest near Kilo the Cadenceborn. We opened the chest before writing this guide, but the chest will be inside the circle below:

To craft these pants you will need three pollen, three buttons, 40 purity threads and 4000 decorations.

Rewards for the quest “Ignited Inspiration: Clever Abundance”

As a reward you will receive 20 diamondsand also sketch of the hat “Gentle Sun”cute headdress with a summer theme.

Completing this quest will also add several other Kindled Inspiration quests to your quest log, letting you know when and where you need to find NPCs for them.

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