Crazy Taxi Speed Race with Live Music Is an Inventive Way to Avoid DMCA Penalties
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This year it was the unusually musical Awesome Games Done Quick, which featured the drumless Elden Ring boss performed using an electric saxophone controller, followed by a Crazy Taxi speedrun with a live backing band.
The original Crazy Taxi soundtrack by Bad Religion and The Offspring is a big part of its appeal, and is also a surefire way to get a DMCA strike on your video. To get around this, runner chuckles825 performed this run with Limiter Cut, a backing band created for the occasion. They played the songs in front of an excited audience, moving on to the next track when chuckles825 finished each level, and restarting the song they played when he was goofing around and, for example, taking an entire taxi of grannies out to sea.
This isn’t the kind of speedrun you watch to learn how various glitches and omissions are performed—the romance speedrun in Fallout: New Vegas looks at those things a little more deeply. You watch this movie for the entertainment value of the repeated hard stops after level completion, followed by the drummer performing the “Change the World” segment on the menu screen.
You can tell the song order was chosen to suit the length of the level, so don’t worry, you’ll hear a decent amount of the excellent Ten Bad Religion in 2010 (and less of The Offspring’s not-so-good Way Down). Line.) While it’s clearly a test of the stamina of everyone involved, and especially the singer’s vocal cords, it’s a fun show and I’d be happy to see them do something similar next year. Tony Hawk’s Pro Skater is an obvious choice, but consider: Trombone Champ.
This year, AGDQ raised more than $2.5 million for the Cancer Prevention Foundation, bringing the total amount raised during the event to more than $54 million.