
MySims: Cozy Bundle Brings Goofy Chibi Sims to PC: ‘It’s Still Very, Very Sims’

EA’s Behind the Sims presentation was filled with a lot of news – a new start screen for The Sims 4, new base game items, and an update to the townie’s house – but some non-Sims 4 news that I’m particularly excited about is that MySims: Cozy The Bundle will be getting a PC port, coming to our desktops on March 18th.

Remember that weird game that looked like a chibi simulator called Animal Crossing? I wouldn’t blame you if you said no, considering the original MySims is the only game in the series to come out on PC back in 2008. But now it’s being re-released on our humble desktops along with MySims Kingdom, which puts a little medievalism into the whole formula.

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