Purrchess v0.93 Mod Apk (unlocked skins, boards) download

Boards in Purrchess can be modified to be completely new, making it the first mobile chess game of its kind to introduce this innovative feature. Cats with an unsettling sweetness would rather win your heart over monarch butterflies any day. Take control of the cat and compete against other players from around the world to experiment with different tactics.
Cats can vary widely in terms of body type, size and fur color. You can play the time-honored game of checkers in a fashionable way by choosing from a selection of cats, some of which are even decked out in appropriate attire for the event. Chess boards with a pleasant appearance are ideal for playing! Bring your cat to Purrchess if you want her to practice her chess skills on a variety of aesthetically pleasing boards. Increasing the experience for players is possible not only by using the usual five-color palette, but also by using different board configurations.
The chess party is open to all four-legged friends! You can get your animals involved in a game of chess with us here at Purrchess. The Purrchess Discord service is a great place to find opponents of the various ELO rankings to test your mettle against. Actively participate in the Purrchess online community! Use group riddles, clues, and even memes to teach them something new. If you hope for the best and experiment with some felines, you can probably find someone who holds the title of International Master of Purrhess. There’s no other place to view it than to get it! When you link your account using Facebook or your email address, you will be eligible for a limited time offer of a unique Overwatch skin.
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