Marvel Rivals tells everyone about the joy of Jeff the Land Shark

I took Marvel Rivals because it’s popular among my friends and it’s free, but I’m not a big Marvel fan. I know my Black Widows from Winter Soldier, but characters like Magik, Luna Snow, and Adam Warlock are new to me. I was especially pleased to discover one character: Jeff the Land Shark, a little guy I absolutely adore. On a team full of super-powered badasses, I’m obsessed with Jeff—and I’m not alone.

Jeff Land Shark is a relatively new hero, especially considering some of the Marvel RivalsThe cast dates back decades. It’s a small shark with short legs, big bulging eyes and a toothy grin. I can’t put into words how amazing it is to play as Jeff: his beans on his feet, the way he hums menacingly as he dives underground, his reload animation that makes him roll over on his back and snack on some tasty fish… I don’t know. I don’t know what else you want. He’s perfect.

Ironically, Jeff has one of the most rage-inducing ultimates in the world. Marvel Rivals. He creates a huge whirlpool with the charming name “It’s Jeff!” – and then devours every enemy within the whirlpool radius. Jeff can then spit these enemies out, sending them off a cliff or into the midst of hostile duelists. It’s a lot of fun.

Polygon comics fan Susana Polo is no stranger to Jeff the Land Shark’s fan base. “I would go directly to writer Kelly Thompson and artist Stefano Caselli, who created it for West Coast Avengersas well as the Japanese illustrator team Gurihiru, who drew It’s Jeff! comic for Marvel Unlimited,” she said. “Their cartoons are the best in the superhero business, and you can see a direct line from their chaotic, wordless Sunday Jokes comics to the endearing chaos that Jeff seems to bring to these matches.”

I for one am pleased to meet Jeff the Land Shark via Marvel Rivals. Of course, the rest of the game is fun, and it’s nice to have a multiplayer game that all my friends enjoy. But more importantly, I love Jeff and you should too.

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