A sequel to Okami is in development with Capcom and Hideki Kamiya’s new studio, Clovers.
A sequel to Okami is in development thanks to a partnership between Capcom and Hideki Kamiya’s new studio, Clovers.
News of the sequel was announced at the Game Awards this evening, along with a pretty neat teaser trailer. “The Okami sequel project is underway,” reads the short blurb. “Okami is a critically acclaimed game for its unique world, heartwarming story and thrilling adventures. Now a new adventure in the same spirit as Okami has begun.”
You can watch the teaser for Okami’s sequel below, which is still a long way from release. “It will be some time before we welcome you back, but we really hope you’re looking forward to this project,” reads Capcom’s page for the Okami sequel.
Clover with an s should not be confused with Clover, the studio that developed Okami and which Kamiya was a part of. Unfortunately, the studio closed shortly after Okami’s debut. Earlier this year, Kamiya stated that Okami was a “huge failure” in terms of initial sales, and if it had been more successful, Clover “probably would have continued to exist.” Luckily, the studio appears to be enjoying a bit of a revival thanks to Clover. Many of Okami’s original employees are returning to work on the sequel, which is also being worked on by M-TWO Inc. and Machine Head Works Inc.
After initially launching in 2006, Okami was ported to the Wii with motion controls before an HD version was released. We had a lot of praise for this version upon its release.
“This is a classic game and an essential part of any collection, especially in this impeccable, stunning re-release. And it transforms you into a character unlike any other in a unique world,” says Eurogamer’s review of Okami HD.
We got to see some stuff from Sega this evening, as well as a look at Naughty Dog’s next project.