
Solving the puzzle in the Hidden Pyramid game room in Indiana Jones

Nephilim game V Games room is a puzzle you will find while exploring the Hidden Pyramid in Indiana Jones and the Big CircleSukhothai. You will find the riddle at the end of the journey through the secret pyramid.

Our Indiana Jones and the Big Circle The guide will show you how to solve the Hidden Pyramid game room puzzle.

How to start a puzzle in the Hidden Pyramid game room

The Nephilim solution is the culmination of your time in the Hidden Pyramid of Sukhothai. You will find him immediately after reuniting with Gina. You can’t miss this.

Game room solution “Hidden Pyramid”

The playing field of the game room consists of two parts: circles where to place weighted stones, and numbers wooden, resembling a 7-shape. By placing a stone on one of the circles, any shapes next to it will become orthogonal (left, right, up and down – No diagonal) rotate 90° counterclockwise.

Your goal is to get all the pieces pointing in the same direction – first to the right to get more stones, and then forward to the statue.

First, look to the left as you enter. You will find a small niche with two stones inside. You will need them for the first solution.

Using one stone that is already on the board (which you will have to move) and two stones from the wall, place the stones as shown in the picture above. They will all turn to the right and open a panel in the wall, revealing three more stones.

Before you ruin the board, make sure you take them all out – the hatch will close and you’ll have to go back.

With the extra three stones, you can now make all the pieces face the statue at the front of the room and solve the puzzle.

For more Indiana Jones and the Big Circle guides, here is a list of safe codes.

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