How to Switch Between Battle Passes in Marvel Rivals
Switch between battle passes V Marvel Rivals – A great way to get seasonal rewards for the previous season if you existed in the current one. These Battle Passes are incredibly valuable, adding new skins, sprays, emotes, and more to the game every season.
In this Marvel Rivals guide, we will guide you through how to switch between battle passesand answer if you can get access to any cool cosmetics that you may have missed in past seasons.
How to Upgrade to the Old Battle Pass in Marvel Rivals
Upgrading to the previous season’s Battle Pass is easy. Marvel Rivalsif you know where to look.
From the main menu, go to the Battle Pass screen located in the Season tab. From there, look at the top right corner of the screen and look for a button that says “Nexus” Click the button and you will see the screen above (which was filmed at the beginning of the first season).
From here, in this area of the Nexus, you can switch between the current season and previous seasons you have. Simply click on the old Battle Pass to open it and check out the rewards.
While this is great for just buying the old reward and going back to the last battle pass, you can actually attach the old battle pass to your account if you want to work on it for a few days or weeks. As a result, the old Battle Pass will appear next to the current season in the Seasonal menu.
To do this, open the old battle pass and find the “pin” button on the left side of the screen. Select it and you’ll be ready the next time you open the Battle Pass menu.
Can I purchase expired Battle Passes in Marvel Rivals?
Unfortunately, There is currently no way to purchase expired Battle Passes. V Marvel Rivals.
If you purchased the paid “deluxe” version Marvel Rivals The Battle Pass for the season it launches will never expire, and you can always go back to working on it the next time you have a lot of time to play. But if you end up getting distracted from the game or don’t purchase the Battle Pass before it expires, it will be gone forever since free Battle Passes cannot be restored.
NetEase Games may fix this in the future by running a limited-time sale on old Battle Passes or an opportunity to go back and make a purchase you may have missed. But unfortunately, nothing like this has been announced for the game yet, so be sure to keep an eye on the timer if you’re on the verge of a battle pass that has cosmetics you really want.